To amend sections 109.78, 121.22, 149.433, 2923.122, | 1 |
3313.536, and 4117.08 and to enact sections | 2 |
3313.94, 3314.43, and 3326.28 of the Revised Code | 3 |
to authorize off-duty peace officers to possess | 4 |
deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance in a school | 5 |
safety zone, to authorize a board of education or | 6 |
governing body of any school to designate | 7 |
employees who may carry concealed handguns in a | 8 |
school safety zone, to generally prohibit the | 9 |
disclosure of the names of the designated | 10 |
employees, to exclude from collective bargaining | 11 |
the development and implementation of a protocol | 12 |
to designate the employees, and to generally | 13 |
provide immunity from civil liability to a board | 14 |
of education or governing authority of any school | 15 |
and to a designated employee of any such school | 16 |
for injury, death, or loss arising from the | 17 |
employee's possession or use of a handgun in a | 18 |
school safety zone. | 19 |
Section 1. That sections 109.78, 121.22, 149.433, 2923.122, | 20 |
3313.536, and 4117.08 be amended and sections 3313.94, 3314.43, | 21 |
and 3326.28 of the Revised Code be enacted to read as follows: | 22 |
Sec. 109.78. (A) The executive director of the Ohio peace | 23 |
officer training commission, on behalf of the commission and in | 24 |
accordance with rules promulgated by the attorney general, shall | 25 |
certify persons who have satisfactorily completed approved | 26 |
training programs designed to qualify persons for positions as | 27 |
special police, security guards, or persons otherwise privately | 28 |
employed in a police capacity and issue appropriate certificates | 29 |
to such persons. Application for approval of a training program | 30 |
designed to qualify persons for such positions shall be made to | 31 |
the commission. An application for approval shall be submitted to | 32 |
the commission with a fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars, | 33 |
which fee shall be refunded if the application is denied. Such | 34 |
programs shall cover only duties and jurisdiction of such security | 35 |
guards and special police privately employed in a police capacity | 36 |
when such officers do not qualify for training under section | 37 |
109.71 of the Revised Code. A person attending an approved basic | 38 |
training program administered by the state shall pay to the agency | 39 |
administering the program the cost of the person's participation | 40 |
in the program as determined by the agency. A person attending an | 41 |
approved basic training program administered by a county or | 42 |
municipal corporation shall pay the cost of the person's | 43 |
participation in the program, as determined by the administering | 44 |
subdivision, to the county or the municipal corporation. A person | 45 |
who is issued a certificate for satisfactory completion of an | 46 |
approved basic training program shall pay to the commission a fee | 47 |
of fifteen dollars. A duplicate of a lost, spoliated, or destroyed | 48 |
certificate may be issued upon application and payment of a fee of | 49 |
fifteen dollars. Such certificate or the completion of twenty | 50 |
years of active duty as a peace officer shall satisfy the | 51 |
educational requirements for appointment or commission as a | 52 |
special police officer or special deputy of a political | 53 |
subdivision of this state. | 54 |
(B)(1) The executive director of the Ohio peace officer | 55 |
training commission, on behalf of the commission and in accordance | 56 |
with rules promulgated by the attorney general, shall certify | 57 |
basic firearms training programs, and shall issue certificates to | 58 |
class A, B, or C licensees or prospective class A, B, or C | 59 |
licensees under Chapter 4749. of the Revised Code and to | 60 |
registered or prospective employees of such class A, B, or C | 61 |
licensees who have satisfactorily completed a basic firearms | 62 |
training program of the type described in division (A)(1) of | 63 |
section 4749.10 of the Revised Code. | 64 |
Application for approval of a basic firearms training program | 65 |
shall be made to the commission. An application shall be submitted | 66 |
to the commission with a fee of one hundred dollars, which fee | 67 |
shall be refunded if the application is denied. | 68 |
A person who is issued a certificate for satisfactory | 69 |
completion of an approved basic firearms training program shall | 70 |
pay a fee of ten dollars to the commission. A duplicate of a lost, | 71 |
spoliated, or destroyed certificate may be issued upon application | 72 |
and payment of a fee of five dollars. | 73 |
(2) The executive director, on behalf of the commission and | 74 |
in accordance with rules promulgated by the attorney general, also | 75 |
shall certify firearms requalification training programs and | 76 |
instructors for the annual requalification of class A, B, or C | 77 |
licensees under Chapter 4749. of the Revised Code and registered | 78 |
or prospective employees of such class A, B, or C licensees who | 79 |
are authorized to carry a firearm under section 4749.10 of the | 80 |
Revised Code. Application for approval of a training program or | 81 |
instructor for such purpose shall be made to the commission. Such | 82 |
an application shall be submitted to the commission with a fee of | 83 |
fifty dollars, which fee shall be refunded if the application is | 84 |
denied. | 85 |
(3) The executive director, upon request, also shall review | 86 |
firearms training received within three years prior to November | 87 |
23, 1985, by any class A, B, or C licensee or prospective class A, | 88 |
B, or C licensee, or by any registered or prospective employee of | 89 |
any class A, B, or C licensee under Chapter 4749. of the Revised | 90 |
Code to determine if the training received is equivalent to a | 91 |
basic firearms training program that includes twenty hours of | 92 |
handgun training and five hours of training in the use of other | 93 |
firearms, if any other firearm is to be used. If the executive | 94 |
director determines the training was received within the | 95 |
three-year period and that it is equivalent to such a program, the | 96 |
executive director shall issue written evidence of approval of the | 97 |
equivalency training to the licensee or employee. | 98 |
(C) There is hereby established in the state treasury the | 99 |
peace officer private security fund, which shall be used by the | 100 |
Ohio peace officer training commission to administer the training | 101 |
program to qualify persons for positions as special police, | 102 |
security guards, or other private employment in a police capacity, | 103 |
as described in division (A) of this section, and the training | 104 |
program in basic firearms and the training program for firearms | 105 |
requalification, both as described in division (B) of this | 106 |
section. All fees paid to the commission by applicants for | 107 |
approval of a training program designed to qualify persons for | 108 |
such private police positions, basic firearms training program, or | 109 |
a firearms requalification training program or instructor, as | 110 |
required by division (A) or (B) of this section, by persons who | 111 |
satisfactorily complete a private police training program or a | 112 |
basic firearms training program, as required by division (A) or | 113 |
(B) of this section, or by persons who satisfactorily requalify in | 114 |
firearms use, as required by division (B)(2) of section 4749.10 of | 115 |
the Revised Code, shall be transmitted to the treasurer of state | 116 |
for deposit in the fund. The fund shall be used only for the | 117 |
purpose set forth in this division. | 118 |
(D) No public or private educational institution or | 119 |
superintendent of the state highway patrol shall employ a person | 120 |
as a special police officer, security guard, or other position in | 121 |
which such person goes armed while on duty, who has not received a | 122 |
certificate of having satisfactorily completed an approved basic | 123 |
peace officer training program, unless the person has completed | 124 |
twenty years of active duty as a peace officer. This division does | 125 |
not apply to a person authorized to carry a concealed handgun | 126 |
under a school safety plan adopted pursuant to section 3313.536 of | 127 |
the Revised Code. | 128 |
Sec. 121.22. (A) This section shall be liberally construed | 129 |
to require public officials to take official action and to conduct | 130 |
all deliberations upon official business only in open meetings | 131 |
unless the subject matter is specifically excepted by law. | 132 |
(B) As used in this section: | 133 |
(1) "Public body" means any of the following: | 134 |
(a) Any board, commission, committee, council, or similar | 135 |
decision-making body of a state agency, institution, or authority, | 136 |
and any legislative authority or board, commission, committee, | 137 |
council, agency, authority, or similar decision-making body of any | 138 |
county, township, municipal corporation, school district, or other | 139 |
political subdivision or local public institution; | 140 |
(b) Any committee or subcommittee of a body described in | 141 |
division (B)(1)(a) of this section; | 142 |
(c) A court of jurisdiction of a sanitary district organized | 143 |
wholly for the purpose of providing a water supply for domestic, | 144 |
municipal, and public use when meeting for the purpose of the | 145 |
appointment, removal, or reappointment of a member of the board of | 146 |
directors of such a district pursuant to section 6115.10 of the | 147 |
Revised Code, if applicable, or for any other matter related to | 148 |
such a district other than litigation involving the district. As | 149 |
used in division (B)(1)(c) of this section, "court of | 150 |
jurisdiction" has the same meaning as "court" in section 6115.01 | 151 |
of the Revised Code. | 152 |
(2) "Meeting" means any prearranged discussion of the public | 153 |
business of the public body by a majority of its members. | 154 |
(3) "Regulated individual" means either of the following: | 155 |
(a) A student in a state or local public educational | 156 |
institution; | 157 |
(b) A person who is, voluntarily or involuntarily, an inmate, | 158 |
patient, or resident of a state or local institution because of | 159 |
criminal behavior, mental illness or retardation, disease, | 160 |
disability, age, or other condition requiring custodial care. | 161 |
(4) "Public office" has the same meaning as in section | 162 |
149.011 of the Revised Code. | 163 |
(C) All meetings of any public body are declared to be public | 164 |
meetings open to the public at all times. A member of a public | 165 |
body shall be present in person at a meeting open to the public to | 166 |
be considered present or to vote at the meeting and for purposes | 167 |
of determining whether a quorum is present at the meeting. | 168 |
The minutes of a regular or special meeting of any public | 169 |
body shall be promptly prepared, filed, and maintained and shall | 170 |
be open to public inspection. The minutes need only reflect the | 171 |
general subject matter of discussions in executive sessions | 172 |
authorized under division (G) or (J) of this section. | 173 |
(D) This section does not apply to any of the following: | 174 |
(1) A grand jury; | 175 |
(2) An audit conference conducted by the auditor of state or | 176 |
independent certified public accountants with officials of the | 177 |
public office that is the subject of the audit; | 178 |
(3) The adult parole authority when its hearings are | 179 |
conducted at a correctional institution for the sole purpose of | 180 |
interviewing inmates to determine parole or pardon; | 181 |
(4) The organized crime investigations commission established | 182 |
under section 177.01 of the Revised Code; | 183 |
(5) Meetings of a child fatality review board established | 184 |
under section 307.621 of the Revised Code and meetings conducted | 185 |
pursuant to sections 5153.171 to 5153.173 of the Revised Code; | 186 |
(6) The state medical board when determining whether to | 187 |
suspend a certificate without a prior hearing pursuant to division | 188 |
(G) of either section 4730.25 or 4731.22 of the Revised Code; | 189 |
(7) The board of nursing when determining whether to suspend | 190 |
a license or certificate without a prior hearing pursuant to | 191 |
division (B) of section 4723.281 of the Revised Code; | 192 |
(8) The state board of pharmacy when determining whether to | 193 |
suspend a license without a prior hearing pursuant to division (D) | 194 |
of section 4729.16 of the Revised Code; | 195 |
(9) The state chiropractic board when determining whether to | 196 |
suspend a license without a hearing pursuant to section 4734.37 of | 197 |
the Revised Code; | 198 |
(10) The executive committee of the emergency response | 199 |
commission when determining whether to issue an enforcement order | 200 |
or request that a civil action, civil penalty action, or criminal | 201 |
action be brought to enforce Chapter 3750. of the Revised Code; | 202 |
(11) The board of directors of the nonprofit corporation | 203 |
formed under section 187.01 of the Revised Code or any committee | 204 |
thereof, and the board of directors of any subsidiary of that | 205 |
corporation or a committee thereof; | 206 |
(12) An audit conference conducted by the audit staff of the | 207 |
department of job and family services with officials of the public | 208 |
office that is the subject of that audit under section 5101.37 of | 209 |
the Revised Code. | 210 |
(E) The controlling board, the industrial technology and | 211 |
enterprise advisory council, the tax credit authority, or the | 212 |
minority development financing advisory board, when meeting to | 213 |
consider granting assistance pursuant to Chapter 122. or 166. of | 214 |
the Revised Code, in order to protect the interest of the | 215 |
applicant or the possible investment of public funds, by unanimous | 216 |
vote of all board, council, or authority members present, may | 217 |
close the meeting during consideration of the following | 218 |
information confidentially received by the authority, council, or | 219 |
board from the applicant: | 220 |
(1) Marketing plans; | 221 |
(2) Specific business strategy; | 222 |
(3) Production techniques and trade secrets; | 223 |
(4) Financial projections; | 224 |
(5) Personal financial statements of the applicant or members | 225 |
of the applicant's immediate family, including, but not limited | 226 |
to, tax records or other similar information not open to public | 227 |
inspection. | 228 |
The vote by the authority, council, or board to accept or | 229 |
reject the application, as well as all proceedings of the | 230 |
authority, council, or board not subject to this division, shall | 231 |
be open to the public and governed by this section. | 232 |
(F) Every public body, by rule, shall establish a reasonable | 233 |
method whereby any person may determine the time and place of all | 234 |
regularly scheduled meetings and the time, place, and purpose of | 235 |
all special meetings. A public body shall not hold a special | 236 |
meeting unless it gives at least twenty-four hours' advance notice | 237 |
to the news media that have requested notification, except in the | 238 |
event of an emergency requiring immediate official action. In the | 239 |
event of an emergency, the member or members calling the meeting | 240 |
shall notify the news media that have requested notification | 241 |
immediately of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting. | 242 |
The rule shall provide that any person, upon request and | 243 |
payment of a reasonable fee, may obtain reasonable advance | 244 |
notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public | 245 |
business is to be discussed. Provisions for advance notification | 246 |
may include, but are not limited to, mailing the agenda of | 247 |
meetings to all subscribers on a mailing list or mailing notices | 248 |
in self-addressed, stamped envelopes provided by the person. | 249 |
(G) Except as provided in division (J) of this section, the | 250 |
members of a public body may hold an executive session only after | 251 |
a majority of a quorum of the public body determines, by a roll | 252 |
call vote, to hold an executive session and only at a regular or | 253 |
special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any | 254 |
of the following matters: | 255 |
(1) To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, | 256 |
discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public | 257 |
employee or official, or the investigation of charges or | 258 |
complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or | 259 |
regulated individual, unless the public employee, official, | 260 |
licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing. | 261 |
Except as otherwise provided by law, no public body shall hold an | 262 |
executive session for the discipline of an elected official for | 263 |
conduct related to the performance of the elected official's | 264 |
official duties or for the elected official's removal from office. | 265 |
If a public body holds an executive session pursuant to division | 266 |
(G)(1) of this section, the motion and vote to hold that executive | 267 |
session shall state which one or more of the approved purposes | 268 |
listed in division (G)(1) of this section are the purposes for | 269 |
which the executive session is to be held, but need not include | 270 |
the name of any person to be considered at the meeting. | 271 |
(2) To consider the purchase of property for public purposes, | 272 |
or for the sale of property at competitive bidding, if premature | 273 |
disclosure of information would give an unfair competitive or | 274 |
bargaining advantage to a person whose personal, private interest | 275 |
is adverse to the general public interest. No member of a public | 276 |
body shall use division (G)(2) of this section as a subterfuge for | 277 |
providing covert information to prospective buyers or sellers. A | 278 |
purchase or sale of public property is void if the seller or buyer | 279 |
of the public property has received covert information from a | 280 |
member of a public body that has not been disclosed to the general | 281 |
public in sufficient time for other prospective buyers and sellers | 282 |
to prepare and submit offers. | 283 |
If the minutes of the public body show that all meetings and | 284 |
deliberations of the public body have been conducted in compliance | 285 |
with this section, any instrument executed by the public body | 286 |
purporting to convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of any right, | 287 |
title, or interest in any public property shall be conclusively | 288 |
presumed to have been executed in compliance with this section | 289 |
insofar as title or other interest of any bona fide purchasers, | 290 |
lessees, or transferees of the property is concerned. | 291 |
(3) Conferences with an attorney for the public body | 292 |
concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject | 293 |
of pending or imminent court action; | 294 |
(4) Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or | 295 |
bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their | 296 |
compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment; | 297 |
(5) Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law | 298 |
or regulations or state statutes; | 299 |
(6) Details relative to the security arrangements and | 300 |
emergency response protocols for a public body or a public office, | 301 |
if disclosure of the matters discussed could reasonably be | 302 |
expected to jeopardize the security of the public body or public | 303 |
office; | 304 |
(7) In the case of a county hospital operated pursuant to | 305 |
Chapter 339. of the Revised Code, a joint township hospital | 306 |
operated pursuant to Chapter 513. of the Revised Code, or a | 307 |
municipal hospital operated pursuant to Chapter 749. of the | 308 |
Revised Code, to consider trade secrets, as defined in section | 309 |
1333.61 of the Revised Code; | 310 |
(8) In the case of a board of education of a school district | 311 |
or governing authority of a chartered nonpublic school, community | 312 |
school, or STEM school that incorporates into a school safety plan | 313 |
a protocol for the designation of specific employees who may carry | 314 |
concealed handguns in school safety zones, to designate an | 315 |
employee who may carry concealed handguns in school safety zones | 316 |
or to revoke that designation. | 317 |
If a public body holds an executive session to consider any | 318 |
of the matters listed in divisions (G)(2) to (7) of this section, | 319 |
the motion and vote to hold that executive session shall state | 320 |
which one or more of the approved matters listed in those | 321 |
divisions are to be considered at the executive session. | 322 |
A public body specified in division (B)(1)(c) of this section | 323 |
shall not hold an executive session when meeting for the purposes | 324 |
specified in that division. | 325 |
(H) A resolution, rule, or formal action of any kind is | 326 |
invalid unless adopted in an open meeting of the public body. A | 327 |
resolution, rule, or formal action adopted in an open meeting that | 328 |
results from deliberations in a meeting not open to the public is | 329 |
invalid unless the deliberations were for a purpose specifically | 330 |
authorized in division (G) or (J) of this section and conducted at | 331 |
an executive session held in compliance with this section. A | 332 |
resolution, rule, or formal action adopted in an open meeting is | 333 |
invalid if the public body that adopted the resolution, rule, or | 334 |
formal action violated division (F) of this section. | 335 |
(I)(1) Any person may bring an action to enforce this | 336 |
section. An action under division (I)(1) of this section shall be | 337 |
brought within two years after the date of the alleged violation | 338 |
or threatened violation. Upon proof of a violation or threatened | 339 |
violation of this section in an action brought by any person, the | 340 |
court of common pleas shall issue an injunction to compel the | 341 |
members of the public body to comply with its provisions. | 342 |
(2)(a) If the court of common pleas issues an injunction | 343 |
pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, the court shall order | 344 |
the public body that it enjoins to pay a civil forfeiture of five | 345 |
hundred dollars to the party that sought the injunction and shall | 346 |
award to that party all court costs and, subject to reduction as | 347 |
described in division (I)(2) of this section, reasonable | 348 |
attorney's fees. The court, in its discretion, may reduce an award | 349 |
of attorney's fees to the party that sought the injunction or not | 350 |
award attorney's fees to that party if the court determines both | 351 |
of the following: | 352 |
(i) That, based on the ordinary application of statutory law | 353 |
and case law as it existed at the time of violation or threatened | 354 |
violation that was the basis of the injunction, a well-informed | 355 |
public body reasonably would believe that the public body was not | 356 |
violating or threatening to violate this section; | 357 |
(ii) That a well-informed public body reasonably would | 358 |
believe that the conduct or threatened conduct that was the basis | 359 |
of the injunction would serve the public policy that underlies the | 360 |
authority that is asserted as permitting that conduct or | 361 |
threatened conduct. | 362 |
(b) If the court of common pleas does not issue an injunction | 363 |
pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section and the court | 364 |
determines at that time that the bringing of the action was | 365 |
frivolous conduct, as defined in division (A) of section 2323.51 | 366 |
of the Revised Code, the court shall award to the public body all | 367 |
court costs and reasonable attorney's fees, as determined by the | 368 |
court. | 369 |
(3) Irreparable harm and prejudice to the party that sought | 370 |
the injunction shall be conclusively and irrebuttably presumed | 371 |
upon proof of a violation or threatened violation of this section. | 372 |
(4) A member of a public body who knowingly violates an | 373 |
injunction issued pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section may | 374 |
be removed from office by an action brought in the court of common | 375 |
pleas for that purpose by the prosecuting attorney or the attorney | 376 |
general. | 377 |
(J)(1) Pursuant to division (C) of section 5901.09 of the | 378 |
Revised Code, a veterans service commission shall hold an | 379 |
executive session for one or more of the following purposes unless | 380 |
an applicant requests a public hearing: | 381 |
(a) Interviewing an applicant for financial assistance under | 382 |
sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the Revised Code; | 383 |
(b) Discussing applications, statements, and other documents | 384 |
described in division (B) of section 5901.09 of the Revised Code; | 385 |
(c) Reviewing matters relating to an applicant's request for | 386 |
financial assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the | 387 |
Revised Code. | 388 |
(2) A veterans service commission shall not exclude an | 389 |
applicant for, recipient of, or former recipient of financial | 390 |
assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 of the Revised Code, | 391 |
and shall not exclude representatives selected by the applicant, | 392 |
recipient, or former recipient, from a meeting that the commission | 393 |
conducts as an executive session that pertains to the applicant's, | 394 |
recipient's, or former recipient's application for financial | 395 |
assistance. | 396 |
(3) A veterans service commission shall vote on the grant or | 397 |
denial of financial assistance under sections 5901.01 to 5901.15 | 398 |
of the Revised Code only in an open meeting of the commission. The | 399 |
minutes of the meeting shall indicate the name, address, and | 400 |
occupation of the applicant, whether the assistance was granted or | 401 |
denied, the amount of the assistance if assistance is granted, and | 402 |
the votes for and against the granting of assistance. | 403 |
Sec. 149.433. (A) As used in this section: | 404 |
(1) "Act of terrorism" has the same meaning as in section | 405 |
2909.21 of the Revised Code. | 406 |
(2) "Infrastructure record" means any record that discloses | 407 |
the configuration of a public office's or chartered nonpublic | 408 |
school's critical systems including, but not limited to, | 409 |
communication, computer, electrical, mechanical, ventilation, | 410 |
water, and plumbing systems, security codes, or the infrastructure | 411 |
or structural configuration of the building in which a public | 412 |
office or chartered nonpublic school is located. "Infrastructure | 413 |
record" does not mean a simple floor plan that discloses only the | 414 |
spatial relationship of components of a public office or chartered | 415 |
nonpublic school or the building in which a public office or | 416 |
chartered nonpublic school is located. | 417 |
(3) "Security record" means any of the following: | 418 |
(a) Any record that contains information directly used for | 419 |
protecting or maintaining the security of a public office against | 420 |
attack, interference, or sabotage; | 421 |
(b) Any record assembled, prepared, or maintained by a public | 422 |
office or public body to prevent, mitigate, or respond to acts of | 423 |
terrorism, including any of the following: | 424 |
(i) Those portions of records containing specific and unique | 425 |
vulnerability assessments or specific and unique response plans | 426 |
either of which is intended to prevent or mitigate acts of | 427 |
terrorism, and communication codes or deployment plans of law | 428 |
enforcement or emergency response personnel; | 429 |
(ii) Specific intelligence information and specific | 430 |
investigative records shared by federal and international law | 431 |
enforcement agencies with state and local law enforcement and | 432 |
public safety agencies; | 433 |
(iii) National security records classified under federal | 434 |
executive order and not subject to public disclosure under federal | 435 |
law that are shared by federal agencies, and other records related | 436 |
to national security briefings to assist state and local | 437 |
government with domestic preparedness for acts of terrorism. | 438 |
(c) A school safety plan adopted pursuant to section 3313.536 | 439 |
of the Revised Code or record made pursuant to that section of a | 440 |
designation or revocation of a designation of an employee | 441 |
authorized to carry a concealed handgun in a school safety zone. | 442 |
(B) A record kept by a public office that is a security | 443 |
record or an infrastructure record is not a public record under | 444 |
section 149.43 of the Revised Code and is not subject to mandatory | 445 |
release or disclosure under that section. | 446 |
(C) Notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code, | 447 |
disclosure by a public office, public employee, chartered | 448 |
nonpublic school, or chartered nonpublic school employee of a | 449 |
security record or infrastructure record that is necessary for | 450 |
construction, renovation, or remodeling work on any public | 451 |
building or project or chartered nonpublic school does not | 452 |
constitute public disclosure for purposes of waiving division (B) | 453 |
of this section and does not result in that record becoming a | 454 |
public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. | 455 |
Sec. 2923.122. (A) No person shall knowingly convey, or | 456 |
attempt to convey, a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into a | 457 |
school safety zone. | 458 |
(B) No person shall knowingly possess a deadly weapon or | 459 |
dangerous ordnance in a school safety zone. | 460 |
(C) No person shall knowingly possess an object in a school | 461 |
safety zone if both of the following apply: | 462 |
(1) The object is indistinguishable from a firearm, whether | 463 |
or not the object is capable of being fired. | 464 |
(2) The person indicates that the person possesses the object | 465 |
and that it is a firearm, or the person knowingly displays or | 466 |
brandishes the object and indicates that it is a firearm. | 467 |
(D)(1) This section does not apply to any of the following: | 468 |
(a) An officer, agent, or employee of this or any other state | 469 |
or the United States, or a law enforcement officer, who is | 470 |
authorized to carry deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance and is | 471 |
acting within the scope of the officer's, agent's, or employee's | 472 |
duties, an off-duty peace officer, a security officer employed by | 473 |
a board of education or governing body of a school during the time | 474 |
that the security officer is on duty pursuant to that contract of | 475 |
employment, or any other person who has written authorization from | 476 |
the board of education or governing body of a school to convey | 477 |
deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance into a school safety zone or | 478 |
to possess a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a school | 479 |
safety zone and who conveys or possesses the deadly weapon or | 480 |
dangerous ordnance in accordance with that authorization; | 481 |
(b) Any person who is employed in this state, who is | 482 |
authorized to carry deadly weapons or dangerous ordnance, and who | 483 |
is subject to and in compliance with the requirements of section | 484 |
109.801 of the Revised Code, unless the appointing authority of | 485 |
the person has expressly specified that the exemption provided in | 486 |
division (D)(1)(b) of this section does not apply to the person. | 487 |
(2) Division (C) of this section does not apply to premises | 488 |
upon which home schooling is conducted. Division (C) of this | 489 |
section also does not apply to a school administrator, teacher, or | 490 |
employee who possesses an object that is indistinguishable from a | 491 |
firearm for legitimate school purposes during the course of | 492 |
employment, a student who uses an object that is indistinguishable | 493 |
from a firearm under the direction of a school administrator, | 494 |
teacher, or employee, or any other person who with the express | 495 |
prior approval of a school administrator possesses an object that | 496 |
is indistinguishable from a firearm for a legitimate purpose, | 497 |
including the use of the object in a ceremonial activity, a play, | 498 |
reenactment, or other dramatic presentation, or a ROTC activity or | 499 |
another similar use of the object. | 500 |
(3) This section does not apply to a person who conveys or | 501 |
attempts to convey a handgun into, or possesses a handgun in, a | 502 |
school safety zone if, at the time of that conveyance, attempted | 503 |
conveyance, or possession of the handgun, all of the following | 504 |
apply: | 505 |
(a) The person does not enter into a school building or onto | 506 |
school premises and is not at a school activity. | 507 |
(b) The person is carrying a valid concealed handgun license. | 508 |
(c) The person is in the school safety zone in accordance | 509 |
with 18 U.S.C. 922(q)(2)(B). | 510 |
(d) The person is not knowingly in a place described in | 511 |
division (B)(1) or (B)(3) to (10) of section 2923.126 of the | 512 |
Revised Code. | 513 |
(4) This section does not apply to a person who conveys or | 514 |
attempts to convey a handgun into, or possesses a handgun in, a | 515 |
school safety zone if at the time of that conveyance, attempted | 516 |
conveyance, or possession of the handgun all of the following | 517 |
apply: | 518 |
(a) The person is carrying a valid concealed handgun license. | 519 |
(b) The person is the driver or passenger in a motor vehicle | 520 |
and is in the school safety zone while immediately in the process | 521 |
of picking up or dropping off a child. | 522 |
(c) The person is not in violation of section 2923.16 of the | 523 |
Revised Code. | 524 |
(E)(1) Whoever violates division (A) or (B) of this section | 525 |
is guilty of illegal conveyance or possession of a deadly weapon | 526 |
or dangerous ordnance in a school safety zone. Except as otherwise | 527 |
provided in this division, illegal conveyance or possession of a | 528 |
deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a school safety zone is a | 529 |
felony of the fifth degree. If the offender previously has been | 530 |
convicted of a violation of this section, illegal conveyance or | 531 |
possession of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance in a school | 532 |
safety zone is a felony of the fourth degree. | 533 |
(2) Whoever violates division (C) of this section is guilty | 534 |
of illegal possession of an object indistinguishable from a | 535 |
firearm in a school safety zone. Except as otherwise provided in | 536 |
this division, illegal possession of an object indistinguishable | 537 |
from a firearm in a school safety zone is a misdemeanor of the | 538 |
first degree. If the offender previously has been convicted of a | 539 |
violation of this section, illegal possession of an object | 540 |
indistinguishable from a firearm in a school safety zone is a | 541 |
felony of the fifth degree. | 542 |
(F)(1) In addition to any other penalty imposed upon a person | 543 |
who is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this | 544 |
section and subject to division (F)(2) of this section, if the | 545 |
offender has not attained nineteen years of age, regardless of | 546 |
whether the offender is attending or is enrolled in a school | 547 |
operated by a board of education or for which the state board of | 548 |
education prescribes minimum standards under section 3301.07 of | 549 |
the Revised Code, the court shall impose upon the offender a class | 550 |
four suspension of the offender's probationary driver's license, | 551 |
restricted license, driver's license, commercial driver's license, | 552 |
temporary instruction permit, or probationary commercial driver's | 553 |
license that then is in effect from the range specified in | 554 |
division (A)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code and shall | 555 |
deny the offender the issuance of any permit or license of that | 556 |
type during the period of the suspension. | 557 |
If the offender is not a resident of this state, the court | 558 |
shall impose a class four suspension of the nonresident operating | 559 |
privilege of the offender from the range specified in division | 560 |
(A)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. | 561 |
(2) If the offender shows good cause why the court should not | 562 |
suspend one of the types of licenses, permits, or privileges | 563 |
specified in division (F)(1) of this section or deny the issuance | 564 |
of one of the temporary instruction permits specified in that | 565 |
division, the court in its discretion may choose not to impose the | 566 |
suspension, revocation, or denial required in that division, but | 567 |
the court, in its discretion, instead may require the offender to | 568 |
perform community service for a number of hours determined by the | 569 |
court. | 570 |
(G) As used in this section | 571 |
(1) "Object that is indistinguishable from a firearm" means | 572 |
an object made, constructed, or altered so that, to a reasonable | 573 |
person without specialized training in firearms, the object | 574 |
appears to be a firearm. | 575 |
(2) "Peace officer" means a sheriff, deputy sheriff, police | 576 |
constable of any township, police officer of a township or joint | 577 |
police district, marshal, deputy marshal, member of the organized | 578 |
police department of any municipal corporation, or state highway | 579 |
patrol trooper. | 580 |
Sec. 3313.536. (A) The board of education of each city, | 581 |
exempted village, and local school district and the governing | 582 |
authority of each chartered nonpublic school shall adopt a | 583 |
comprehensive school safety plan for each school building under | 584 |
the board's or governing authority's control. The board or | 585 |
governing authority shall examine the environmental conditions and | 586 |
operations of each building to determine potential hazards to | 587 |
student and staff safety and shall propose operating changes to | 588 |
promote the prevention of potentially dangerous problems and | 589 |
circumstances. In developing the plan for each building, the board | 590 |
or governing authority shall involve community law enforcement and | 591 |
safety officials, parents of students who are assigned to the | 592 |
building, and teachers and nonteaching employees who are assigned | 593 |
to the building. The board or governing authority shall consider | 594 |
incorporating remediation strategies into the plan for any | 595 |
building where documented safety problems have occurred. | 596 |
The board or governing authority shall incorporate into the | 597 |
plan both of the following: | 598 |
(1) A protocol for addressing serious threats to the safety | 599 |
of school property, students, employees, or administrators; | 600 |
(2) A protocol for responding to any emergency events that do | 601 |
occur and that compromise the safety of school property, students, | 602 |
employees, or administrators. | 603 |
Each protocol shall include procedures deemed appropriate by | 604 |
the board or governing authority for responding to threats and | 605 |
emergency events, respectively, including such things as | 606 |
notification of appropriate law enforcement personnel, calling | 607 |
upon specified emergency response personnel for assistance, and | 608 |
informing parents of affected students. Prior to the opening day | 609 |
of each school year, the board or governing authority shall inform | 610 |
each student enrolled in the school and the student's parent of | 611 |
the parental notification procedures included in the protocol. | 612 |
The board or governing authority may incorporate into the | 613 |
plan a protocol for the designation of specific employees who may | 614 |
carry concealed handguns in school safety zones that are under the | 615 |
jurisdiction of the board or governing authority. The board or | 616 |
governing body may develop the protocol in consultation with the | 617 |
local law enforcement agency. The protocol shall state that a | 618 |
designated employee may not carry a concealed handgun in a school | 619 |
safety zone unless the employee has a valid license to carry a | 620 |
concealed handgun issued under section 2923.125 of the Revised | 621 |
Code and has completed any firearms training that may be required | 622 |
by the protocol. The protocol may state that the board or | 623 |
governing authority may designate or revoke the designation of | 624 |
employees who may carry concealed handguns in school safety zones | 625 |
in executive session and shall provide that the names of those | 626 |
employees remain confidential. The board or governing authority | 627 |
shall keep the names of designated employees in confidential | 628 |
records and shall not include them in the plan, and no member of | 629 |
the board or governing authority shall disclose the names to | 630 |
anyone other than those employees, the local law enforcement | 631 |
agency, the insurance company for the school, and any other | 632 |
persons to whom disclosure is required by a court order. The board | 633 |
or governing authority shall give an employee who is designated to | 634 |
carry a concealed handgun or whose designation is revoked written | 635 |
notice of the designation or revocation and shall provide a copy | 636 |
of the notice to the local law enforcement agency and the | 637 |
insurance company for the school. | 638 |
A protocol adopted under this section may not require an | 639 |
employee to carry a firearm in the course of the employee's | 640 |
employment. | 641 |
As used in division (A) of this section, "local law | 642 |
enforcement agency" means the police department of the municipal | 643 |
corporation having jurisdiction over a school safety zone if the | 644 |
school safety zone is located within a municipal corporation or | 645 |
the sheriff of the county in which the school safety zone is | 646 |
located if the school safety zone is not located within a | 647 |
municipal corporation. | 648 |
(B) The board or governing authority shall update the safety | 649 |
plan at least once every three years and whenever a major | 650 |
modification to the building requires changes in the procedures | 651 |
outlined in the plan. | 652 |
(C) The board or governing authority shall file a copy of the | 653 |
current safety plan and building blueprint with each law | 654 |
enforcement agency that has jurisdiction over the school building | 655 |
and, upon request, the fire department that serves the political | 656 |
subdivision in which the school building is located. The board or | 657 |
governing authority also shall file a copy of the current safety | 658 |
plan and a floor plan of the building, but not a building | 659 |
blueprint, with the attorney general, who shall post that | 660 |
information on the Ohio law enforcement gateway or its successor. | 661 |
Copies of safety plans, building blueprints, and floor plans | 662 |
shall be filed as described in this division not later than the | 663 |
ninety-first day after March 30, 2007. If a board or governing | 664 |
authority revises a safety plan, building blueprint, or floor plan | 665 |
after the initial filing, the board or governing authority shall | 666 |
file copies of the revised safety plan, building blueprint, or | 667 |
floor plan in the manner described in this division not later than | 668 |
the ninety-first day after the revision is adopted. | 669 |
Copies of the safety plan and building blueprint are not a | 670 |
public record pursuant to section 149.433 of the Revised Code. | 671 |
Notwithstanding section 149.433 of the Revised Code, a | 672 |
building floor plan filed with the attorney general pursuant to | 673 |
this division is not a public record to the extent it is a record | 674 |
kept by the attorney general. This paragraph does not affect the | 675 |
status of a floor plan kept as a record by another public office. | 676 |
The board or governing authority, each law enforcement agency | 677 |
and fire department to which copies of the safety plan and | 678 |
building blueprint are provided, and the attorney general shall | 679 |
keep the copies in a secure place. | 680 |
(D) The board or governing authority shall grant access to | 681 |
each school building under its control to law enforcement | 682 |
personnel to enable the personnel to hold training sessions for | 683 |
responding to threats and emergency events affecting the building, | 684 |
provided that the access occurs outside of student instructional | 685 |
hours and an employee of the board or governing authority is | 686 |
present in the building during the training sessions. | 687 |
(E) The attorney general shall establish a model curriculum | 688 |
for training an employee authorized to carry a firearm pursuant to | 689 |
division (A) of this section. The attorney general's duty to | 690 |
establish a model curriculum under this division shall be a public | 691 |
duty pursuant to division (E) of section 2743.01 of the Revised | 692 |
Code. The board or governing authority may utilize the model | 693 |
curriculum in consultation with local law enforcement to determine | 694 |
any additional training requirements for an employee authorized to | 695 |
carry a firearm pursuant to division (A) of this section. | 696 |
Sec. 3313.94. A school district, member of a school district | 697 |
board of education, chartered nonpublic school, governing | 698 |
authority of a chartered nonpublic school, and an employee of a | 699 |
school district or chartered nonpublic school who is authorized to | 700 |
carry a concealed handgun in a school safety zone pursuant to a | 701 |
school safety plan adopted under section 3313.536 of the Revised | 702 |
Code are not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, | 703 |
death, or loss to person or property allegedly arising from the | 704 |
employee's possession or use of the handgun in the school safety | 705 |
zone in compliance with the school safety plan unless the injury, | 706 |
death, or loss resulted from the employee's reckless or wanton | 707 |
conduct. | 708 |
Sec. 3314.43. A community school, community school governing | 709 |
authority, member of a community school governing authority, and | 710 |
community school employee who is authorized to carry a concealed | 711 |
handgun in a school safety zone pursuant to a school safety plan | 712 |
adopted under section 3313.536 of the Revised Code are not liable | 713 |
in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person | 714 |
or property allegedly arising from the employee's possession or | 715 |
use of the handgun in the school safety zone in compliance with | 716 |
the school safety plan unless the injury, death, or loss resulted | 717 |
from the employee's reckless or wanton conduct. | 718 |
Sec. 3326.28. A STEM school, member of a STEM school | 719 |
governing body, and STEM school employee who is authorized to | 720 |
carry a concealed handgun in a school safety zone pursuant to a | 721 |
school safety plan adopted under section 3313.536 of the Revised | 722 |
Code are not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, | 723 |
death, or loss to person or property allegedly arising from the | 724 |
employee's possession or use of the handgun in the school safety | 725 |
zone in compliance with the school safety plan unless the injury, | 726 |
death, or loss resulted from the employee's reckless or wanton | 727 |
conduct. | 728 |
Sec. 4117.08. (A) All matters pertaining to wages, hours, or | 729 |
terms and other conditions of employment and the continuation, | 730 |
modification, or deletion of an existing provision of a collective | 731 |
bargaining agreement are subject to collective bargaining between | 732 |
the public employer and the exclusive representative, except as | 733 |
otherwise specified in this section and division (E) of section | 734 |
4117.03 of the Revised Code. | 735 |
(B) The conduct and grading of civil service examinations, | 736 |
the rating of candidates, the establishment of eligible lists from | 737 |
the examinations, | 738 |
lists, and the development and implementation of a protocol for | 739 |
the designation of school employees who may carry concealed | 740 |
weapons in a school safety zone under section 3313.536 of the | 741 |
Revised Code are not appropriate subjects for collective | 742 |
bargaining. | 743 |
(C) Unless a public employer agrees otherwise in a collective | 744 |
bargaining agreement, nothing in Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code | 745 |
impairs the right and responsibility of each public employer to: | 746 |
(1) Determine matters of inherent managerial policy which | 747 |
include, but are not limited to, areas of discretion or policy | 748 |
such as the functions and programs of the public employer, | 749 |
standards of services, its overall budget, utilization of | 750 |
technology, and organizational structure; | 751 |
(2) Direct, supervise, evaluate, or hire employees; | 752 |
(3) Maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of | 753 |
governmental operations; | 754 |
(4) Determine the overall methods, process, means, or | 755 |
personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted; | 756 |
(5) Suspend, discipline, demote, or discharge for just cause, | 757 |
or lay off, transfer, assign, schedule, promote, or retain | 758 |
employees; | 759 |
(6) Determine the adequacy of the work force; | 760 |
(7) Determine the overall mission of the employer as a unit | 761 |
of government; | 762 |
(8) Effectively manage the work force; | 763 |
(9) Take actions to carry out the mission of the public | 764 |
employer as a governmental unit. | 765 |
The employer is not required to bargain on subjects reserved | 766 |
to the management and direction of the governmental unit except as | 767 |
affect wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment, and the | 768 |
continuation, modification, or deletion of an existing provision | 769 |
of a collective bargaining agreement. A public employee or | 770 |
exclusive representative may raise a legitimate complaint or file | 771 |
a grievance based on the collective bargaining agreement. | 772 |
Section 2. That existing sections 109.78, 121.22, 149.433, | 773 |
2923.122, 3313.536, and 4117.08 of the Revised Code are hereby | 774 |
repealed. | 775 |
Section 3. Section 2923.122 of the Revised Code is presented | 776 |
in this act as a composite of the section as amended by both Am. | 777 |
Sub. H.B. 495 and Am. Sub. S.B. 337 of the 129th General Assembly. | 778 |
The General Assembly, applying the principle stated in division | 779 |
(B) of section 1.52 of the Revised Code that amendments are to be | 780 |
harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation, finds | 781 |
that the composite is the resulting version of the section in | 782 |
effect prior to the effective date of the section as presented in | 783 |
this act. | 784 |